
Patouf and Anna Angseryd

Patouf is a Swedish clothing label created by Anna Angseryd in 2007. A romantic at heart, she moves confidently between sophisticated French cuts and 60/70s vintage, creating feminine chic yet with a girly touch. She crafts the finest materials and has a special attention to detail. This is fashion to fall in love with.

In 2009, Patouf was awarded the title ROOKIE OF THE YEAR by the Swedish Fashion council.

head office
Patouf, Anna Angseryd
Lundagatan 40A, 117 27 Stockholm, Sweden

+46 (0) 70-742 48 63

If you want to buy it online, go to their online shop.
If you want to find out where to find it, get the retailers adresses here!


via patouf and stylecrusader

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